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VicInAqua is a medium-scale focused research project that has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 689427.
11 partners from 7 European and African countries aims at developing an integrated approach for water management by providing an integral, sustainable, innovative, cost effective and robust solution for water sanitation combined with the demand for clean water in aquaculture and irrigation in the Lake Victoria basin.

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Discussing follow-ups for VicInAqua at Innovate 4 Water in Kisumu, Kenya

In keeping with the motto 'Focusing on innovative community-led approaches, entrepreneurships and financing possibilities for water and sanitation in Kenya' various stakeholders came together in Kisumu from the 6th until the 8th February to network, exchange ideas and share innovations addressing some of the greatest challenges in the WASH sector. A great occasion for the VicInAqua partners to showcase their contribution in the field and discuss further innovation and investment possibilities with interested parties after the end of the project!

More than 150 participants from high-level financiers to innovative entrepreneurs attended the marketplace forum, where they had the opportunity to speak directly with out consortium partner at the VicInAqua booth.

Under the title 'Turning water an energy challenges into opportunities', project coordinator Prof. Jan Hoinkis of HsKA (Karslruhe University of Applied Sciences, Germany) presented the case of VicInAqua to a highly interested audience. In addition, project partners ABTG (AquaBioTech Group, Malta) and OxyGuard (Denmark) participated in pitching sessions, where they shared their expertise in innovative sustainable aquaculture and smart water monitoring systems.

The three-day-event culminated in a highlight on the last day, when interested participants had the chance to take part in a field visit to the VicInAqua pilot site and observe the innovative technologies employed in action.

All in all, the forum was a very successful event for the VicInAqua team, as it inspired a lot of interest in the project, provided great networking opportunities and enabled new partnerships for future ventures. After all, water resources are vital to any organisation and the possibilities to get involved in responsible and sustainable water management are manifold.

Find out more about Innovate 4 Water here.