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VicInAqua is a medium-scale focused research project that has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 689427.
11 partners from 7 European and African countries aims at developing an integrated approach for water management by providing an integral, sustainable, innovative, cost effective and robust solution for water sanitation combined with the demand for clean water in aquaculture and irrigation in the Lake Victoria basin.

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Helpful support from the Common Exploitation Booster

On 22 March 2018 in the frame of their 6-monthly project meeting, the VicInAqua partners had the chance to get a one-day workshop with expert Antonia María Lorenzo López of META Group / BIOAZUL S.L. to further define their exploitation strategy of innovations and products developped within the project. This workshop was offered by the Common Exploitation Booster (CEB) supported by the European Commission.

The CEB is a common support service which helps former and ongoing research and innovation projects under the FP7 and H2020 programmes to bridge the gap between creating research outputs and ensuring their exploitation by providing a series of tailored services. The services are free for the projects (except for covering their own travel expenses) and the consultancy is offered under confidentiality agreement. Selection of projects and coordination of services is managed by the Common Support Center of the European Commission. The aim is to avoid non technological bottlenecks (knowledge of the market, financial issues, regulatory environment, etc.) which prevent research results from making it to the end users.