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VicInAqua is a medium-scale focused research project that has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 689427.
11 partners from 7 European and African countries aims at developing an integrated approach for water management by providing an integral, sustainable, innovative, cost effective and robust solution for water sanitation combined with the demand for clean water in aquaculture and irrigation in the Lake Victoria basin.

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NARO-MAK Joint Scientifc Conference in Kampala, Uganda

Our partner NARO (National Agricultural Research Organization, Uganda) took the opportunity of its Joint Scientifc Conference NARO-MAK with Makere University, College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences to showcase our goals and progresses towards more sustainability and gender balance in water and wastewater reuse with application in aquaculture and field irrigation.

From 12 to 15 November in Kampala, Uganda, our partners could share knowledge and discuss appropriate solutions and measures with stakeholders in all fields of agriculture, nutrition and public health, and innovation in the broadest sense. The focus of this year’s conference was on evidence based interventions for enhancing food nutrition and incomes. The event gathered presentations of keynote, scientific papers and success stories, as well as exhibition of technologies, innovations, products and information materials emanating from research and related development programs.

Further themes were:

  • Advances in agri-entrepreneurship and value chains
  • Innovations in post-harvest, nutrition and food safety management
  • Climate smart agriculture, resilience and the environment
  • Enhancing plant and livestock productions systems

Find more information here on the conference website.