On 11 February 2019, partners NARO (National Agricultural Research Organization, Uganda) and ABTG (AquaBioTech Group, Malta) organised another training introducing to RAS - recirculating aquaculture systems.
About 25 local fish farmers, researchers and aquaculture associations representatives participated in the training held by Ms. Pauline Nakyewa, Aquaculture Research Scientist at NARO, Tamás Bardócz, ABTG expert in catfish, the main species in Ugandan fish farming, and Kyra Hoevenaars, Senior Aquaculture Consultant at ABTG.. The training took place in the National Fisheries Resources Research Institute (NAFIRRI), Aquaculture Research and Development Centre in Kajjansi.
The hands-on training with a mix of insights and short exercises enabled the participants to upgrade their knowledge and skills in RAS design, production planning, water quality and system operation. The presentation of the VicInAqua project demonstrated the feasibility of the integration of these technologies in an overall, sustainable site. The trainers notices a strong growing interest especially for RAS hatchery technology adapted to the local needs and circumstances in Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania.
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About the VicInAqua partners involved in this training
NARO brings on board its vast fisheries and aquaculture expertise working not only in Uganda but with numerous international partners like the international research organization World Fish, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the African Development Bank (ADB) or the European Union. NARO leads the socioeconomics aspects of the project where they seek to understand and unveil the perceptions, potential and economic viability of MBR and RAS innovative technologies within Lake Victoria Basin through a survey and key informant interviews. NARO also engages stakeholders on gender and aquaculture, as well as policy aspects of waste water management through roundtables / expert panel discussions, trainings, information sessions and study visits. NARO website
With its missions statement "Providing Excellence through Innovation and Quality", the international consulting company ABTG undertakes a variety of aquaculture, fisheries and aquatic environmental projects through its regional offices and selected partners throughout the world. The vast majority of the company’s work is related to the marine or aquatic environment, encompassing aquaculture developments, market research / intelligence, through to project feasibility assessments, finance acquisition, project management, technology sourcing and technical support and training. In 2018, ABTG successfully carried out a number of socially responsible activities, resulting in: 200 young professionals attending their trainings, 300 high school students participating in their educational activities, 1,000 citizens attending their activities in various public events, 30 young professionals choosing ABTG for their internships. ABTG website