WATERSPOUTT is holding its second General Assembly in Kampala, Uganda this week of 21-25 May 2018: 3 days of presentations and workshops with a 1-day field trip to Makondo where the WATERSPOUTT Harvested Rainwater Solar treatment technologies will be installed and running in selected primary schools.
A dedicated session will enable sister projects to present their challenges and first outcomes, finishing with an open discussion forum.
WATERSPOUTT is a consortium of 18 partner organisations from 11 countries (7 European and 4 African) working to design, prototype and field trial affordable solar-based technologies for water treatment at household and community level in resource-poor settings. The project is funded by the European Union’s research and innovation programme Horizon 2020 under the same topic as VicInAqua (WATER-5c-2015 - Development of water supply and sanitation technology, systems and tools, and/or methodologies) and under grant agreement number 688928.