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VicInAqua is a medium-scale focused research project that has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 689427.
11 partners from 7 European and African countries aims at developing an integrated approach for water management by providing an integral, sustainable, innovative, cost effective and robust solution for water sanitation combined with the demand for clean water in aquaculture and irrigation in the Lake Victoria basin.

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WATERSPOUTT 2nd General Assembly

WATERSPOUTT is holding its second General Assembly in Kampala, Uganda this week of 21-25 May 2018: 3 days of presentations and workshops with a 1-day field trip to Makondo where the WATERSPOUTT Harvested Rainwater Solar treatment technologies will be installed and running in selected primary schools.

A dedicated session will enable sister projects to present their challenges and first outcomes, finishing with an open discussion forum.

WATERSPOUTT is a consortium of 18 partner organisations from 11 countries (7 European and 4 African) working to design, prototype and field trial affordable solar-based technologies for water treatment at household and community level in resource-poor settings. The project is funded by the European Union’s research and innovation programme Horizon 2020 under the same topic as VicInAqua (WATER-5c-2015 - Development of water supply and sanitation technology, systems and tools, and/or methodologies) and under grant agreement number 688928.